The Gonzo Tonight Show

#45 - Election Prediction (79 Days of Hell)

Alexander J. Gonzalez

In this episode, I give you guys my prediction of what will happen on election night, as well as what we will see in the days after the election. This is one of the most controversial elections, more than ever before. There's a lot to unpack here, not just regarding the election.

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thank you for tuning in to another episode of The Gonzo Tonight Show today is a very special day for me because

as you can see we have the new merch in here's what the shirt looks like let me move the mic out of the way here

all right so that's what it looks like uh pictures right here and um we started selling these last week this is uh the first time i'm wearing it in person and this one is a little big i think so we're going to make it a little smaller make the logo smaller but also it's because i'm a smaller person so it's going to appear larger on the shirt i have a bunch of bigger shirts over here and the logo looks pretty much perfect so we're going to change that a little bit but that's basically what it looks like you can go to the website websites right here or in the description it is again it's gonna be in the description so you can easily go and click on it there uh you can use uh the discount code youtube all one word that'll get you 20 off that offer is valid until november 14th so get it before then and we're also doing a giveaway with one of these shirts it's going to be the premium fabric so it's going to be a lot softer and a lot more high quality than this one is this is the basic uh regular cotton shirt we have the premium as well and we're going to be giving one of those away in order to enter the giveaway go to buymeacoffee.come/gonzo donate a coffee and each coffee equal each coffee equals five entries each coffee equals five entries so that will give you five entries into the giveaway and uh at by the 14th when the discount code ends um around that same time we will announce the winner so that's about 12 days from now and you'll be able to win one of you will win uh one of our shirts here so that's the first piece of news and

if you i've talked about this before but if you are interested in starting a podcast i highly recommend buzzsprout we work with bus sprout and they've been fantastic and all you got to do really is grab some gear that you already have whether it's your phone camera audio headset microphone whatever you have and um go to a quiet room start talking do whatever you want to do whatever you want to talk about whether it's politics whether it's uh film whether it's you know storytelling i've seen a lot of different stuff a lot of different podcasts i know a guy that does a podcast on uh reviewing movies it's a pretty good podcast and if you want to upgrade your gear at any point buzz sprout recommends the gear that you can go get a lot of the recommendations are pretty good i've looked into it and

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all right election night i'm recording this uh monday november 2nd election day election night is tomorrow i'm releasing this tuesday morning tuesday november 3rd this is being released so before the election starts before the results come in and everything like that is when this is being released so this is my prediction of what's going to happen on election night as well as what will happen in the events afterwards first and foremost uh many of you know that i support trump if you know anything about me personally you know that i support trump um that being said there's a lot of trump supporters that don't necessarily believe he will win i think more this election than 2016 people are more confident but here's what i think is going to happen i think that donald trump will win by a significant margin um much like 2016 probably i would say more he would get more electoral votes than he did in 2016. i think i uh recently predicted i released a electoral college prediction i want to say i gave him 328 electoral votes against biden and um oh here we go right here 338 excuse me 338. um

however i think it could it could no one no one knows what's gonna happen i think he could get more uh or he could get less but i think i mean because i gave in this uh prediction that i did i still gave joe biden in new york and california um both those states if you really look into it you're not gonna hear this anywhere else but those states are really in play this year you see these huge uh rallies in california in beverly hills and in the la area huge trump rallies that you would never see with any other republican candidate ever it's insane and uh these aren't like uh trump rally like these aren't rallies that donald trump goes to these are um trump supporters organizing their own rally their own march throne whatever and um it's crazy stuff we're seeing now and then mainstream media is talking about texas is in play for biden that uh he could probably possibly flip texas this election and there's no way it's gonna happen um in my opinion i think that honestly and this is a bold statement but california i believe is more likely to flip red than texas is to flip blue in this election uh if everything goes fair and there's no uh voter fraud i think that texas though would be tough on voter fraud uh florida my home state i think it would be very minimal fraud the states you have to worry about are more liberal states uh that have uh that don't have strict voting regulations and um i mean we should be seeing a big landslide for trump that's my prediction uh however when it comes time for him to uh give his uh speech that he won uh you know the results are in and basically it's very safe to say that he won i think before then well we could see this and these predictions you hear from me are gonna be uh stuff that you've never maybe even thought of um and it may seem very outlandish but i believe that tomorrow night aka tonight when you're seeing this on tuesday night uh the night of the election donald trump is going to win it's gonna be clear that he won however we're gonna see mainstream media and big tech try to silence the fact that he won now obviously people can find out um on the internet whatever but i think that in order to confuse people big tech mainstream media is going to try and silence and cover up the fact that he won just to confuse people because i think there's no way they could absolutely

i mean you never know these days big tech has been silencing uh specific accounts right leaning accounts conservative accounts for so long especially since trump got elected and more and more recently we're seeing a lot of accounts getting banned deleted muted shadow banned whatever you want to call it and on facebook the woman for trump account in arizona i believe was uh deleted off of facebook and uh there was no reason why i've talked about this before the new york the new york post was silenced on twitter their account was locked they couldn't get back in for two weeks i looked into it only a few days ago where they allowed back into their account they were out for two weeks thanks to jack dorsey and his mob gang over there but i believe that big tech on social media is going to try and silence what's going on um block shadow ban uh posts about trump winning uh the mainstream media is gonna do their best to manipulate the narrative and say that biden is still able to win they're going to definitely be talking about waiting for mail-in ballots to be counted um they're going to basically do whatever they can to make it seem like biden still has a shot and

the dems basically um after election night after trump uh does his speech saying that he won they're going to do everything they can to continue to manipulate the mer the narrative and say that trump announced uh too early that there's more votes coming in that you know he's not going to win it's actually binding that one stuff like that it's going to be some crazy stuff that they're saying and stuff that's obviously not true if you're really paying attention and if you you know have half a brain you'll be seeing all these votes coming in for trump and then they'll be trying to uh confuse everyone and tell everyone that that's not what's happening and uh it's gonna be a pretty crazy night i think and the days after are gonna be crazy um you look at shops and businesses in washington dc they are already i think like a day or two ago they started boarding up the businesses uh with like wood and they're closed they're boarded up because they know what's coming election night and the days after they know that trump has a very good chance of winning despite what the media is saying and all the businesses are boarded up shut down they're protecting themselves because they know that on election night and after election night there's gonna be chaos in the streets like in portland and in dc and in uh la and and minneapolis what those uh cities those big cities that have had black lives matter riots for months now those cities are going to be trashed and filled with protests and riots and it's going to be crazy uh because those people have been convinced uh and will be convinced that trump again uh again um gotten elected uh by cheating by um voter fraud that he's suppressing uh democrat votes whatever they're gonna bring back up the whole russia gate thing that they made up last election they're gonna do something like that and um it's gonna be crazy in these big cities and um the dems lives matter antifa basically antifa is really what these riots are antifa has taken over black lives matter and all these other protests these left-leaning protests but antifa is going to continue because they already started this they are going to continue to encourage their supporters to go out and kill trump supporters which they have been doing um look it up you can find videos of antifa members of antifa slash black lives matter shooting killing trump supporters strictly because of trump supporters there what there was no uh justifiable reason for them to be killed this will continue in places like uh portland uh minneapolis maybe dc and um

anyone that's not aligned with antifa the left the democrats they're gonna become a target in the weeks and months following the election um i mean i would like to say that the riots won't last too long but we've seen with black lives matter since june they've had riots in some cities every night and they've had riots you know all over the country almost consistently since june and um who knows what's going to happen but it's going to get bad in some places they're going to there's going to be major civil unrest um most likely firefights people shooting each other i believe that we will see something like this big civil unrest at some point it's going to get so bad i think that the president will have to bring in the national guard or some sort of force because it would just get so out of hand more out of hand than it has been in the past at least regards to people's safety the left is going to try and in their cities where they're still in power gain control of the cops and when there are cities with major civil discourse they're going to try and target the right-wing trump supporters and kind of avoid targeting antifa in the left so we'll see civil discourse between both sides and the police are going to come but in and if this is happening in a place like portland we'll see police maybe take the side of the left more than the right um regardless is gonna be chaos everywhere but major chaos um and what you'll see in the midst of all this craziness and in the weeks coming after you're gonna see a lot of major democrat players a lot of democrat politicians kind of disappear and you'll see a lot less of them people you see now obviously joe biden as soon as he lashes over joe biden is like disappearing from uh the mainstream media you're not gonna see him um clinton not gonna see her obama not gonna see them kamala no these people are going to maybe at first they'll be uh trying to you know coming out and giving speeches maybe in or coming out on tv and telling people you know to fight back and uh fight back against his tyranny they're gonna you know be trying to rile up their base what's left of it and um but shortly after in the weeks to come you'll see those people start disappearing um nancy pelosi uh people that are tied to either uh the hunter biden scandal or the epstein scandal those those uh the the people that trump refers to as a swamp those people maybe even some republican officials honestly it wouldn't surprise me and um they're gonna start disappearing they're gonna be hiding from the public um anyone tied to pizzagate the clinton scandal clinton foundation anything like that um sometime afterwards now the uh the chinese other globalist nations are going to start leaking information about joe biden the hunter biden the clintons perhaps the obamas maybe uh all this all these investigations that have been going on without the public's knowledge stuff's gonna start coming out because countries like the chinese other big globalist countries they have dirt on the bidens the clintons the obamas big players on the democratic side and even some of the republicans of course um stuff's gonna start coming out for the democrats because the democrats have now failed to take control of their country and uh you might be wondering what's the big deal the democrats recently it's quite obvious that they are the they are like the america's globalist party they are aligned with the globalists the globalists want uh world domination uh they don't want america to be a superpower they want to be in control of the whole world and

trump is a threat to the globalist agenda worse is what's worse for them is republicans are going to keep the senate possibly get more seats they have now a big majority in the supreme court but i believe too on election night they're going to flip the house they're going to take the house so they will have the senate the house judiciary and the presidency and this is really bad for democrats really bad for anyone tied to uh the globalist agenda and again like i was saying there's gonna be a lot of stuff this flooding out about scandals and uh the bidens especially with hunter biden all this stuff's just gonna come out and um it's gonna be a huge mess for these guys eventually i now either before or after inauguration day uh depending on how all this stuff plays out uh arrests are gonna start being made the bidens clintons maybe the obamas anyone tied to pizzagate uh anyone tied to the epstein scandal anyone tied to uh hunter biden's mess there's going to be a lot of arrests in the coming months it's going to be a big mess the next 79 days are going to be quite interesting i can promise you that we're going to see some crazy stuff and 20 20 has been a crazy year already it's not over yet but i'll tell you this by 2021 it's gonna get a lot better uh law and order is going to come back to this country uh having um basically capitol hill being controlled by the republicans it's going to get uh the country back on track in regards to corruption uh that's what this episode really is mainly about is the corruption aspect of it because you can argue policy all day but these people that are in charge republican and democrat right now more specifically the democrats are a threat to our nation and our freedoms and civil liberties they have concocted this pandemic not the virus itself maybe but this pandemic they have used it to keep the american people inside their homes wearing masks all the time trapped they're seeing who will be following whatever they say basically who how much control do they have over the people and then they have allowed these rides to take place they have instigated these riots they have been instigating people to go out and attack trump supporters for a long time there's videos of maxine waters cory booker all these guys encouraging violence nancy pelosi and the riots happened for months and months and then once they realized it was hurting their election chances they came out and they were like oh we need to be peaceful we need to stop the rioting even though they have been encouraging it for months and months and um i mean they're gonna yeah that's basically what was i saying i lost my train of thought there but there's gonna be the arrests and um

the democratic party as we know it is gonna start disappearing it's gonna lose they're gonna lose power when they lose they're going to lose some big players they have they don't have the house anymore they don't have anything and the democratic party is going to start going underground and uh you know they're gonna have to try and figure out what their next move is they're gonna just they're gonna have to strategize what's going on and all this is a result of corruption on the left and not saying there's not corruption on the right but the left has gotten so unhinged in the past four years that they have lost the trust of the people the average american person has lost trust in the left in the democratic party it has literally this this year alone has been crazy people in states like hawaii have been locked down since the beginning mass mandate all the time um if you go to these states if you fly to the states at the quarantine for a week or two weeks businesses are hurting lots of businesses and business owners are hurting losing money they're barely making ends meet some of them aren't even making ends meet um people i know personally that's when it hurts the most is when you know someone who has been hurting financially because of the lockdowns for a virus that has a 99.4 percent survival rate overall

it's just the the way they've managed to manipulate this whole year into people locked inside keeping people in fear for their lives because of uh these riots these protests um all this stuff with police brutality everyone it's it's been fear-mongering to the max coming from the left and trump is bringing in tens of thousands of people every day to multiple rallies a day because he is sharing a positive message a message of hope that our best days are yet to come while the democrats are preaching doom and gloom and that were their days are numbered the best is behind us and there's just we got the world is gonna melt in three years and that global warming is gonna kill us and then that um you know fascism is gonna kill us and then all this stuff and the virus is gonna kill us whatever fear-mongering fear-mongering fear-mongering and uh what is trump doing preaching a hopeful message a message of there's always a better tomorrow four more years of trump will bring back economic prosperity security and um that's why he's pulling in so many people to these rallies he did five uh events yesterday five rallies uh in five different states um i think michigan iowa georgia florida there was one other north carolina five events uh pennsylvania had 50 something thousand people at a rally as far as i know um 96 miles long in arizona of uh trump supporters of you know cars and trucks and all that stuff with flags 96 miles long

this the the silent majority that we saw in 2016 is still there but there are now so many open supporters now um trump had nine percent of the black vote last year i think he's gonna get

at at least 25 percent of the black vote this year some are saying 40 i don't know we'll just have to wait and see but the black vote is actually going to really really help trump this election and if he has high number if he has numbers above 20 percent of the black vote and nothing else changes he wins um and even some states that he didn't win last year so we're seeing a landslide victory for trump that's the bottom line landslide victory for trump um which is great for the american people uh unfortunately there are some bad things that come with it and it'll be if you know said the 79 days is going to be pretty bad but it's not going to be you know for the average person um it's not going to affect them directly i would hope it's not that bad but i'm going to see a lot a lot of mess a lot of chaos but after the 79 days trump's inaugurated all that stuff is going to start going away the democratic party is literally going to go underground um these are basically my predictions some of this could happen none of this could happen but that's what i believe we're going to see to an extent we're going to see stuff like this happening and um really all we can do now is wait and see uh if you're watching this before the election let's see what happens if you're watching this after how did i do let me know uh send me a message on instagram at the gonza tonight show twitter gonzo tonight show um if you like what we do here support the show at ganzo uh we appreciate all the support that you guys have given us so far thank you to all our new subscribers on youtube and uh of course the subscribers we get every day on apple podcast spotify and all that and uh of course get some merch stores slash gonzo tonight links are in the description in the show notes so wherever you're listening or watching again thank you for tuning in and see you guys next time

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